Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Boast or fact? "Age of Conan" boasted the most beautiful MMORPG

 Funcom developed by the Norwegian veteran online game development company, adapted from the classic comic series of the same name adult MMORPG "Age of Conan" designer Craig Morrison said in an interview with Eurogamer interview: "Age of Conan" is currently on the market has the most beautiful picture MMORPG. (1)

    Craig said: "Age of Conan" development engine has the latest imaging technology, has a unique advantage in terms of image optimization, which let players do not need high configuration you can enjoy the superb picture quality. According to the information we have collected, most players have chosen to enter the game a higher screen configuration. Operated MMORPG as a three years ago, now still can proudly say that we have the MMORPG the best picture. (2-7)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Raiders introduce continent of the the ninth Juggernaut "professional brush Figure add

  C9 where Juggernaut this career in the three branches of the soldiers belonging to the DPS, explosive action force is very powerful. Society Berserker Stance play the most, pressing the spacebar running with others to put away the weapons comparable, if coupled with the rapid combustion, absolutely ran like a dog.
This has a powerful capacity to act and the ability to dodge.
The people know imitate DMC and God of War, I believe this game a lot of places Played strong as D-tert, and Kui Lord also not clear blame Zhan Zhuang in strange heap inside, basically it is the strange swept into a pile of attack, from whence bit longer attack Juggernaut is such a play.
Well, talk about my plus point. (1)

Inflammation chopped skills, this skill is accompanied lifelong later extended inflammation chop the 2,3. Many people that will be full, in fact, unnecessary, we have to consider the input-output ratio in the long blue bar Juggernaut Lane, a senior inflammation chopped is hundreds Blue, so down, and then a long blue bar also can not afford to hurt, senior inflammatory chop only additional than 70% in more than one attack, but inflammation chopped 23 is not the same, they MP consumption is 0, what a magical thing, so I suggest 23:00 full, a point 1:00, not hurt the DPS, but consume a lot less.
Thang Long, how familiar names, the significance of this skill is not just batter easy to use, is also a way of life insurance, it can stir up a lot of strange, even 35 hell BOSS basic provoke decisive Thang Long 12:00 full.
Of course, the CD fast is also inflammation chopped and liter Long qualities.
The cyclotron premise is a LianZhao skills I do not PVP, 40% of breaking anti-playing the general breaking anti BOSS enough points 1:00.
The nearly step even cut, the proposed multi-point, 40 before and even after 40 explosive skills, super tyrants body, you can rest assured that the output absolute housekeeping skills, if not afraid of blue-consumption recommendations point full.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Diablo 3" calculated Melee / Ranged damage reduction test

First, to explain the concept of "equivalent resistance"

Suppose you only by melee or ranged damage. On this premise, "XX% Melee Damage reduce" the effect is equivalent to increase certain resistance

This equivalent increase resistance I call the equivalent resistance

Another Armor = A, and all resistance =

Armor damage reduction formula = A / (A +50 * Monster Level), resistance to damage reduction formula = B / (B +5 * Monster Level)

Then we know that 63 are troublesome strange

Then the above equation becomes A / (A +3150) and B / (B +315)

This I believe a lot of players know

The hurt of [1-A / (A +3150)] * [1-B / (B +315)] = 992250 / [(A +3150) * (B +315)]

A known conclusion is that, within a certain range, the 1:00 resistance equivalent to 10:00 Armour

The use of this conclusion is generally for a single piece or a small number of simple estimate several pieces of equipment can be selected, but the outfit does not apply

The way to look at a common mistake conclusion is that the anti-aggressive or Armor income is decreasing

In fact, in one of the same time, the growth of the growth of another property for EHP (the equivalent of life) is completely linear (not proportional to, pay attention to the difference)

Then we come to calculate the "Melee / Ranged damage reduction gains

First, we assume that the armor / resistance which is a constant

All due to the increase of the resistance consider to select Armor generally do not consider the extra armor, extra armor compared to the resistance should be low income, so here Melee / Ranged damage reduction " up

Suppose you have a "X% Melee / Ranged Damage" attribute and then when you only by Melee / Ranged Damage

The damage you = (1-X%) * 992250 / [(A +3150) * (B +315)]

Here we assume that the A constant, have come up with the constant term

The damage you = C * (1-X%) / (B +315), where C is a constant

If you just increase the anti-aggressive, suppose you need to increase the N-point anti-offensive to so much damage reduction, then we can get the equation

C * (1-X%) / (B +315) = C * (1-0%) / (B +315 + N)

Solution N = (B +315) * X% / (1-X%)

In the case of X% the same, we see the equivalent resistance of the melee / remote damage reduction with your original resistance is completely linear relationship

B the same situation, the same as the general percentage of damage reduction curve is more smooth front 70%, there will be no steep slopes, of course, the benefits or increasing.

For now Manzi brush in A3 is generally 600 anti-attack or 800 anti-attack as a minimum standard.

On this basis, we can get the three basic conclusions:

For 4-6% of a single piece of equipment on the melee / remote damage reduction, by Melee / Ranged Damage, the effect is equivalent to the resistance around 40-50.

20% melee damage reduction (String of Ears belt), the effect is equivalent to about 230-280 resistance by Melee Damage.

This conclusion is passive barbarians "superstition" equally applicable. Give up some resistance to the choice of material resistant equipment, and then use the superstition passive is a more economical choice

Resistant thousands, is a good choice if you would like to continue to improve the human shields ability to appropriately increase the point Melee / Ranged Damage reduce.

Note: Conclusion 1,2 premise is about 600-800 full anti-attack

When I write this, the United States serving 20% ??damage reduction belt minimum 1,250,000 .

Some high attribute + object anti-free full anti breastplate cheaper pants.