Wednesday, February 20, 2013

DOFUS Mag #32 est là !

La température commence déjà à baisser… Mettez vos moufles, votre cagoule, et ouvrez donc le DOFUS Mag #32, on y parle, entre autres choses, de Frigost 3 ! Et en plus, ce numéro vous est proposé accompagné d’une blindbox Krosmaster Arena !


Vous sentez ce vent frais sur votre nuque ? C’est le souffle du Comte Harebourg ! Frigost 3 est en vue et autant que vous soyez prévenus, les plus frileux n’y survivront pas !

Découvrez ce qui vous attend dans le DOFUS Mag #32 :
 Un dossier Frigost 3 : Le Background, des illustrations, et de quoi vous plonger dans le bain (glacé) avant le grand retour du maitre du froid : le Comte Harebourg !

Le Guide PvP Ecaflip : Un nouveau guide PvP de classe destiné aux joueurs de niveau 200.  acheter des kamas sur dofus

Krosmaster Arena : Un nouveau défi Krosmaster et le compte rendu intégral d’un match ! Mais aussi et surtout, une blindbox jointe à votre mag. Vous y trouverez une mini-map, des jetons et bien sur, une figurine Krosmaster. Oui, mais laquelle parmi les 34 distribuées ? Réponse à l’ouverture de votre Mag !

Des guides de donjon (larve, Tofu et Tofu Royal), un article pour apprendre à créer une panoplie et toujours une partie communautaire avec du Fan-art, de la présentation de guilde et des fan-fictions.

Un dossier spécial Kerubim : découvrez tous les secrets du vieil Ecaflip, devenu star de l’adaptation de DOFUS en série animée !

Ce numéro 32 du DOFUS Mag est proposé exceptionnellement avec une Blindbox Krosmaster Arena ! Faites partie des premiers à prendre en main une des 34 figurines distribuées ! Et ensuite, à vous de jouer et de collectionner (pour tout savoir sur Krosmaster Arena, rendez-vous sur !
Et en cadeaux :
  Une carte de loterie : Obtenez la panoplie Diplodoplie partie 2 (soit l’anneau et la cape) !  acheter des kamas

  Un poster Kerubim, avec une map Krosmaster !
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Friday, February 1, 2013

La panoplie de la Chauffe-Souris virevolte dans le ...

Vous êtes du genre à tra?ner la nuit dans les recoins sombres du Monde des Douze, à la recherche du crime, prêts à laisser s’abattre votre colère sur vos ennemis ? Très bien, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut sur le Grand Bazar, découvrez la panoplie de la Chauffe-Souris !

Vous êtes du genre à tra?ner la nuit dans les recoins sombres du Monde des Douze, à la recherche du crime, prêts à laisser s’abattre votre colère sur vos ennemis ? Très bien, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut sur le Grand Bazar, découvrez la panoplie de la Chauffe-Souris !
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Tyria stories of the gods (c) - Dwayna

    Dwayna is the oldest of all the gods, her Sacred 115BE has written. Each of the gods in specific aspects of the power and features of full of mystery, Dwayna the wake of the flame dragon began to turn a blind eye to human affairs, more than her five other gods seemed to be human since abandoned their footprints almost disappeared in the entire Tyria continent. (1)

    The Dwayna wind and life, as well as the defense of God, is also the leader of the other gods, with the title of "God of gods". She has a strong influence, and even can lead the whole world, so she has a large number of believers. These believers proficient in the art of healing the monks and the elements so that specializes in Air Magic, many civilians will be in the war to the goddess Dwayna ardent prayer Dwayna Goddess will bestow blessings to believers force, basically, those monks elements so that they are confident, Dwayna is their source of strength. (2) buy or sell GW2 items

The Dwayna Goddess is described into a country with beautiful appearance, very young, but the image of the slim, behind her back, and a pair of white wings, looks very kind. But just from the appearance point of view, people can not feel the infinite power implied in her body, most people just focus on her beautiful appearance, sometimes neglect her supreme position. But approachable, she does not pay attention to these things floating on the surface, she is very willing to focus more on how to redeem those who need help, not even her followers will give some help. The Dwayna goddess believers most of the elements so that they, especially with the power of the wind element element to make the fight against the enemy, because such a source of strength is the wind goddess Dwayna, wind system elements so that they demonstrated powerful magic The Dwayna strong to let the world see The Goddess in fact, has a powerful force, and this force is enough to allow people to produce awe. (3)  cheap Wars 2 gold

     Dwayna recorded in the holy books for some of the legends about her, when human arrogance Heart swelling, a young King Edward went before the people, he said: "We are continuing to pray to God for help,but God our prayers have not given any commitment, we are forced to use their own blood and tears in exchange for the prosperity of today, from now on, we should pray for himself "King Edward After King Edward took the holy grail of the goddess mercilessly hurtled to the ground. The next moment he broke the Holy Grail, the faces of the people baffled varicella eyes began to outflow of blood and tears, disease, and death began enveloped the entire Tyria continent. Year later, King Edward finally wake up, he has lost half of people learned how arrogant and stupid Finally, he told the goddess Dwayna asking for forgiveness and vow to pray to him, he is willing to give his life to quell the disaster, his piety finally moved the goddess, Dwayna dancing her white wings, after a gust of wind, miraculously fast recovery from illness. Since then, under the leadership of the King Edward devout worship the Dwayna goddess.

    The Dwayna as a human six true God in the most kindly, for major public has a symbolic meaning, but this does not mean she will never be angry when she thinks necessary, will give those who despise her terrible punishment, admonished the crowd, this story tells us, even if you do not worship the goddess Dwayna also do not offend her.
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guild Wars 2

For generations, war and chaos raged across the land of Tyria. Five great races competed and warred against each other, struggling to tip the balance of power in their favour.

Then the dragons woke.

The all-powerful beasts stirred from their millennial sleep under earth and sea. With their magical breath the dragons spread destruction and created legions of twisted slaves. A deathless dragon named Zhaitan raised the sunken nation of Orr, triggering earthquakes and tidal waves that destroyed entire cities across the Sea of Sorrows. Zhaitan's undead armies surged from the sea, hungry for the destruction of the five races of Tyria: the charr, a ferocious race of feline warriors; the asura, magical inventors of small size and great intellect; the norn, towering shape shifters from the frigid northern lands; the sylvari, a mysterious young race of visionary plant folk; and the humans, an embattled but resilient people. guild wars 2 gold     

Now heroes from the five races must set aside ancient rivalries and stand together against their common enemies in the sequel to the hit MMO Guild Wars. Magic, technology, and cold steel will determine the ultimate fate of the world.

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

How Many Hours of Diablo 3 Have you Played?

    An interesting thread has recently appeared in the general D3 forum from fmulder in which he is polling members on the number of hours they've played.

    I've often asked myself (usually when reading complaints about d3) how many gaming hours can you reasonably expect from a PvE game costing (£40/$50/€40) including end game content. There are definitely people lambasting d3 who have clearly clocked up triple digits but duly expect, well demand really, many more. At what point have you had your money’s worth? diablo III gold

   The majority of people who have taken part in the poll have clocked up 500 – 1000 and even though there’s a huge difference between those 2 figures 500 hours I would say is good value. There are a couple of people who have even tipped over the 1000 hours mark. That’s pretty hardcore. But, select your own figure and see where you end up.sell cheap runescape gold